Glamor's maritime software products are designed for ship owners and ship operators to maximize ships’ profits; not only by traditional approach of optimizing ships’ operational performances but also using totally new approach that integrate AI supported commodity market intelligence of the cargoes carried by ships, so that ships take advantage of regional arbitrage differences of the commodity market, which creates opportunities of huge gains on freight and voyage profit.

Global Maritime Operations
Research Software Solutions

What Are Glamor Products?

Why Glamor Products?

Traditional maritime software concentrate on optimizing ships’ operational performances which helps ships on only minimizing costs aspect. Glamor has added AI supported commodity market intelligence of the cargoes carried by ships, so that ships take advantage of regional arbitrage differences of the commodity market, which creates opportunities of huge gains on freight and voyage profit.

Glamor Products Designed for Whom?

Glamor identified its target market as Tanker Bulk Ships. A tanker bulk ship is a ship designed to transport liquids or gases in bulk. Major types of tankship include the gas carrier (LPG/NH3 & LNG), the oil tanker, the chemical tanker.